Model Matrix

Feature Engineering tool

Features Configuration

Model Matrix use Typesafe Config library for defining model matrix features and transformations.

Feature transformations documentations available in Model Matrix philosophy page.

Extract expressions

Any valid Spark DataFrame (very limited subset of SQL) expression is supported as extract function for feature.

ad_performance = ${bins} {
  extract = cast(ctr as double)
  extract = ctr * 100
  extract = nvl(ctr, 0)

Additional Model Matrix UDFs:

os = ${top} {
  extract = concat('_', os_system, os_family)

ad_day_of_week = ${top} {
  extract = day_of_week(ad_epoch_millis, 'UTC')

ad_hour_of_day = ${top} {
  extract = hour_of_day(ad_epoch_millis, 'UTC')

Feature types

Identity feature

identity_feature_name = {
  active = <active status>
  group = <feature group>
  extract = <extract expression>
  transform = "identity"

Top feature

top_feature_name = {
  active = <active status>
  group = <feature group>
  extract = <extract expression>
  transform = "top"
  cover = <cover percentage>
  allOther = <include all other>

Index feature

index_feature_name = {
  active = <active status>
  group = <feature group>
  extract = <extract expression>
  transform = "index"
  support = <support percentage>
  allOther = <include all other>

Binning feature

binning_feature_name = {
  active = <active status>
  group = <feature group>
  extract = <extract expression>
  transform = "bins"
  nbins = <target number of bins>

Example Configuration

# Abstract Model Matrix features
feature = { active = true }

identity = ${feature} { 
  transform = "identity"

top = ${feature} { 
  transform = "top",
  cover = 95.0
  allOther = true

index = ${feature} { 
  transform = "index"
  support = 0.5
  allOther = true

bins = ${feature} {
  transform = "bins"
  nbins = 10

# Define concrete model matrix features
features {

  ad_network = ${identity} {
    group = "advertisement"
    extract = "network"

  ad_type = ${top} {
    group = "advertisement"
    extract = "type"

  ad_size = ${index} {
    group = "advertisement"
    extract = "size"

  ad_visibility = ${top} {
    active = false
    group = "advertisement"
    extract = "visibility"
  ad_performance = ${bins} {
    active = true
    group = "performance"
    extract = "nvl(ctr, 0)"
    nbins = 5